Thêm người tự thiêu phản đối giàn khoan 981?
Theo trang web, lúc 11:15 sáng hôm thứ 6, ngày 20/6/2014, một người đàn ông 71 tuổi đã tự thiêu tại Manatee, thuộc bang Florida, Mĩ. Ở hiện trường, người đàn ông này để lại hai tờ giấy viết tay ghi: "Haiyang 981 phải rời khỏi hải phận Việt Nam" và "Anh hùng tử chí hùng nào tử".
Phía dưới cùng trang giấy là chữ ký, dường như người đàn ông tự thiêu tên là Hùng.
Sau khi đám cháy bùng phát, người dân và cảnh sát đã nỗ lực dập tắt ngọn lửa. Người đàn ông sau đó được đưa bằng trực thăng đến bệnh viện Tampa điều trị trong tình trạng bị bỏng nặng.
Hy vọng ông sớm qua được cơn nguy kịch.
Thông điệp viết tay do người đàn ông treo tại hiện trường vụ tự thiệu
Đọc thêm phần tin tiếng Anh tại: Sheriff: Man lights himself on fire in East Manatee in suicide try
Sheriff: Man lights himself on fire in East Manatee in suicide try
jdeleon@bradenton.comJune 21, 2014
Man Sets Himself on Fire in front of Silver Lake SubdivisionView Full Gallery PVIDELA@BRADENTON.COM |Buy Photo
MANATEE -- A 71-year-old man tried to kill himself Friday by pouring gasoline over himself and setting himself on fire, according to the Manatee County Sheriff's Office.
About 11:15 a.m., the man went to an entrance to the Silver Lake community, at Lockwood Ridge Road and 59th Avenue East, and set himself on fire, officials said.
Travis Miller and Micha Rhine were traveling west on 59th Avenue East, approaching Lockwood Ridge Road, when they said they saw the man on fire in the grassy median.
"We pulled up and saw the gas jug on fire, and he was laying next to it engulfed in flames," Rhine said.
"I grabbed him by his hand and dragged him out," Miller said.
The couple then grabbed a cooler and a jug of water and dumped it on the man to douse the flames, they said. They also beat him with some blankets they had.
"He was yelling the whole time, 'I want to die, let me die,' '' Rhine said.
A sheriff's detective driving by stopped and called for assistance.
The man was flown by helicopter to the burn unit at Tampa General Hospital, where he was listed in critical condition.
"The victim apparently poured gas on himself and set himself on fire in an attempt to commit suicide," the sheriff's office said in a news release Friday afternoon.
On the sign to the Silver Lake community, there were two sheets of paper with writing in a foreign language.
Jessica De Leon, Herald law enforcement reporter, can be reached at 941-745-7049. You can follow her on Twitter @JDeLeon1012.
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